Fourth Trimester

in Westfield, NJ

The Mommy & Me Package

For those who want a more intimate relationship with their pediatrician during the first weeks of a newborn’s life, the Mommy & Me Package (Fourth Trimester) includes services that extend beyond delivery and throughout the “fourth trimester.” Our Mommy & Me package focuses on nurturing the mother and baby post-delivery. In the fourth trimester, your and your baby’s needs will be anticipated and addressed. Dr. Rolnick will be with you every step of the way.

* Because of the intimate nature of this service, only a few are available per month. Please contact the office if interested.

What is the Fourth Trimester?

The first 12 weeks of your baby’s life are often called the fourth trimester. This period is important for the baby and parents alike, as this is a critical time to establish a connection with your newborn.

What is included in the Mommy & Me Package?

At $300 per month, the Mommy & Me Package includes a vast amount of services to meet your and your baby’s needs at a convenient price. You’ll spend less time worrying about calculating co-pays and more time receiving the customized treatment you and your baby deserve. The following services are included to cover any concerns you may have, to prepare you for a healthy pregnancy and delivery, and to support you during the fourth trimester.

A Prenatal Visit

This serves as an educational session to prepare parents for newborn care. Dr. Rolnick will discuss what you can expect as a new parent in the hospital (such as vitamin K injections, hepatitis B, bilirubin, and glucose checks).

What products to buy can be challenging, especially for the first child. Therefore, we offer an optional review of nursery setup, sleep space, and registry.

During the prenatal visit, we will also offer education tuned to the first week of life like safe bathing, diapering, how to clean bottles and breast pump supplies, and soothing techniques, to name a few.

Lactation & Breastfeeding Guidance from a certified lactation consultant

If you intend to breastfeed, Dr. Rolnick offers lactation and breastfeeding guidance. As a certified lactation consultant, Dr. Rolnick is able to provide top-level lactation support. Moreover, if you intend to use a formula, Dr. Rolnick will discuss the difference between types of formulas to ensure your baby receives the best benefits possible.

Guidance on the Newborn Sleep Environment

Dr. Rolnick will consult you on setting up your baby’s sleep environment to ensure safety while laying the foundation for good sleep habits.

Maternal Health Guidance

Ensuring that the mother is healthy and in the best possible state to care for her child is essential. Dr. Rolnick provides nutritional education and expertise on maternal pelvic floor exercises. For those who have a 3-month package, we will also provide one in-home session with a personal trainer to review safe stretches and strengthening exercises once cleared by your OB/GYN. Additionally, we included a curated mommy package to provide small daily reminders that her well-being is critical, too.

Instant Access to Your Physician

This package includes phone and telehealth visits as well as counseling on lactation equipment to accommodate any needs you may have. Dr. Rolnick knows that when you have a question, you need an answer to make sure your baby is healthy. Dr. Rolnick uses the Tyto Care Telehealth monitor to provide unlimited cutting-edge telehealth visits during this special time.

In-home Doctor Visits

Don’t worry about bringing your newborn to the office while recovering from delivery! Dr. Rolnick will perform the following visits in your home to provide the best protection for our newborns during this period of vulnerability:
• 3 to 5 days
• 1 to 2 weeks
• 1 month
• 2 months
• 4 months

Dr. Rolnick will ensure you and your baby receives the following services under the Mommy & Me Package:

• Growth checks
• Vaccines*
• Nutritional education

*Where age-appropriate, Dr. Rolnick can use pain reduction techniques to administer vaccines and blood draws.

Additional Benefits

With the Mommy & Me Package, you will have the option for an additional mini-package that includes a prenatal visit and care as described above for the first month.

Furthermore, patients can receive education on the following consultations topics:

• Balancing breastfeeding and working
• Limiting inflammation in our bodies
• Nutrition

• Sleep foundation
• And more…

How much does the Mommy & Me Package cost?

The Mommy & Me Package costs $400 per month and includes all of the above-mentioned services.

Gift Mommy & Me!

This is the perfect gift for a new mommy friend or loved one.
Contact the office to give this wonderful gift!


If you have any questions regarding how the Mommy & Me Package can meet you, your baby, and your family’s needs during pregnancy and the fourth trimester, reach out to our staff today!