Pain Conscious Phlebotomy and Vaccines

in Westfield, NJ

Taking your child to the doctor’s office is never easy, especially when it comes to getting shots or having blood drawn.

That’s why at Bee Kind Pediatrics, we offer pain-conscious phlebotomy and vaccines.

Thanks to Dr. Balir Rolnick’s experience in pediatric emergency medicine, Dr. Rolnick has extensive experience in pain management techniques in the emergency room setting. These techniques can be applied to vaccines, and blood draws.

The Importance of Vaccinations

Many immunizations are mandatory for school. They also help protect your child from numerous serious and even deadly diseases. Dr. Rolnick is committed to helping your child stay healthy and up-to-date on all vaccinations.

Some of the primary benefits of vaccinations are:

They help protect your child from diseases.

When you vaccinate your child, you protect them from getting sick. In addition, you also help protect other children who can't be vaccinated because they are too young or have weakened immune systems.

Common sicknesses that your child needs to be vaccinated for include:
• Chickenpox
• Flu
• Hepatitis B
• Measles
• Mumps
• Polio
• Tetanus (lockjaw)
• Whooping cough (pertussis)

Most of these diseases are now much less common because of vaccinations.

They help keep the community healthy.

By vaccinating your child, you're also helping prevent the spread of disease in your community. When a certain disease is no longer common in a community, it's said to have "herd immunity." This means that even people who can't be vaccinated (such as cancer patients or those with weakened immune systems) are protected because the disease isn't circulating.

They're required for school.

In order to attend school, your child must be up-to-date on all vaccinations. Some daycare centers and preschools also have this requirement. Check with your state's department of health for specific requirements.

Common Reasons for a Blood Draw

There are many reasons why your child may need to have blood drawn. Some of the most common reasons are:

  • To check for anemia
  • To check for infection
  • To check organ function
  • To check sugar levels

When your child has a blood draw, a small amount of blood is taken from a vein in their arm. The procedure is quick and relatively painless.

In the case of both blood draws and vaccinations, your child may be afraid, anxious, or uncomfortable. That’s why we prioritize pain-conscious methods.

What to Expect During a Blood Draw or Vaccine

Before the procedure, a nurse or phlebotomist will clean the area where the needle will go in with an antiseptic wipe. They’ll then wrap an elastic band (called a tourniquet) around your child’s upper arm to make the vein more visible and easier to access.

Once the needle is inserted, your child may feel a quick sting. The nurse or phlebotomist will then collect the blood in a vial or syringe. The entire procedure takes just a few minutes.

Pharmacological topical anesthetic agents can be applied prior to vaccinations and/or blood draws, depending on the child’s age.

For children who are not age-appropriate for pharmacological agents, some non-pharmacological topical numbing agents also can be utilized. We also use comfort techniques with both the parent and child. These comfort techniques have been shown by studies to reduce a child’s pain and improve comfort.

In the event that a child needs their blood drawn, Dr. Rolnick is able to use the same techniques above and remain pain-conscious during the procedure. As many parents may have experienced, obtaining a blood sample for a child can be particularly challenging due to the fact that their veins are very small.

However, with Dr. Rolnick’s expertise and use of a vein access device, she is able to quickly and painlessly obtain a blood sample for your child.

Best of all, as part of her emergency medicine training, Dr. Rolnick is able to draw blood using handheld ultrasound to improve the likelihood that only one stick will be required to obtain blood.

After the Procedure

After the procedure, your child may feel a little dizzy or lightheaded. This is normal and should go away quickly. Typically, Bee Kind Pediatrics will supervise your child for 15 minutes after the procedure.

Once the procedure is complete, we will apply a bandage to the injection site. We’ll also give you aftercare instructions, which may include applying pressure to the injection site and/or elevating the arm.

Once you leave our office, remember to keep tabs on your child’s injection site. If you notice any redness, swelling, or drainage, call our office right away. These could be signs of infection.



• 0 to 2 years: $250 per month
• 2 to 5 years: $200 per month
• 5+ years: $150 per month

10% discount on annual membership for families with multiple children enrolled.

Additional Packages

• Mommy & Me Package: $400/month


• Acute care visit: $300
• Wellness check: $350
• Sports physical, travel forms: $250
• Medical ear-piercing: $100 (1st), $25 (additional)
• Phlebotomy services: $100

We can do all services as in-home visits for $100 per visit

We understand that needles can be scary for both kids and adults. That’s why we take extra care to make sure your child is comfortable and relaxed during their blood draw or vaccination. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.